With the aim of making Getxophoto an event increasingly aware of the environment, we have developed a sustainability plan and we have achieved the sustainable event recognition granted by Erronka Garbia – Basque Government. These are some of the initiatives we carry out:
Promoting the use of public transport
Promoting bicycle use
Prioritising the use of the train as a means of transport for invited guests
Signposting of nearby water sources
Reduction of printed materials and promotion of digital alternatives
Use of ecological inks in printing
Reuse of printed canvases (recycling project)
Green and socially responsible purchasing
Use of removable and reusable infrastructures
Promotion of open air leisure, interest in culture and family activities
Reuse and transformation are the guiding watchwords for the recycling of the photographs after they have been exhibited. Parts of well-known authors’ photographs are transformed into original and unique pieces.
The manufacturing of the pieces is done through Eskuz eskuz, a company for social and labor insertion that is part of the Otxarki Foundation.
We have started some collaborations with different artists coming form different artistic field such as Amaya Arzuaga, Antiatoms or Potipoti.